Friday, October 15, 2010

Ummmmm...An Update's been a while. But let's just put the past behind us and say that I have determined to repent of my blog neglect. Here goes. Above you see pictures of not Sawyer, but Abiline. Yes, I have two children now. I guess a lot has happened over the year and a half since I last posted. Abby is almost 4 months old, and Sawyer is coming up on 2 and 1/2. I no longer work and am now blessed to be overwhelmed with cuteness (and crying) all the day long. I love it.


  1. hooray! i cannot believe abby is so big and we still haven't met. thank you for the blog update since the last pics we saw of her were when she was teeny tiny-ish.

  2. Glad to see you are back in the blogging world, I will be waiting for more cute post. I think everyday motherhood is full of moments that make you laugh and smile and moments the make you want to cry. When you get a chance email me your new address so I can send you Hunter's birth announcement.
